Csr 4.0驱动程序下载



Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR 4.0 USB Bluetooth Dongle. My research on Amazon showed me that there were many USB Bluetooth 4.0 Dongles to choose from and many seemed to be re-branded CSR 4.0 so I bought the one that was actually branded CSR 4.0 for about $12 and in two day Amazon prime had it in my hands. Installing the CSR 4.0 USB Bluetooth Dongle 绿联蓝牙适配器4.0让普通电脑主机具备蓝牙功能,轻松连接手机、平板、蓝牙耳机等设备。 该蓝牙适配器采用CSR芯片,4.0蓝牙协议,传输速度最高达3Mbps,传输距离可达20米。本产品支持windows系统,需 … Latest downloads from CSR in Bluetooth. sort by: last update. platform. Page 1. CSR Bluetooth Remote Control Device Driver for Windows 7/Windows 8 64-bit 95,202 downloads. Bluetooth | CSR. Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 7 64 bit. Nov 11th 2016, 15:59 GMT. download. 蓝牙4.0适配器是最新推出的蓝牙适配器产品,搭配usb2.0接口,可以应对目前pc与多种蓝牙设备之间的数据音频数据交互的需求。 适配器采用英国CSR(Cambridge Silicon Radio)正规原厂芯片:CSR8510,同时搭配CSR原厂驱动管理软件:CSR Harmony。 This mini USB Bluetooth 4.0 adapter with high speed, simple pairing, good anti-jamming features, it's a simple solution to enable your computer connect with smartphone, tablet or other Bluetooth device.

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适用于Windows的ASUS BCM920702 Bluetooth 4.0(蓝牙设备 ...

Csr 4.0驱动程序下载

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Csr 4.0驱动程序下载

CSR Harmony Software 4.0. It's a connectivity software that enables a seamless wireless experience . 3.0 (155 votes) 2.1.63 CSR plc. Review Comments (4) Questions & Answers (7) Update program info. All versions. CSR Harmony Software 2.1.63 (latest) CSR Harmony Software 1.0

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